The Friendship Project: The Catholic Womans Guide to Making and Keeping Friends - Like New

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Ave Maria PressSKU: S11790735

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Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet are busy wives, mothers, and volunteers. They are also friends, Catholic speakers, and the dedicated coauthors of Divine Mercy for Moms, which continues to inspire women to come together to pray, study, and live in friendship around the Divine Mercy devotion. In the midst of their active lives, Faehnle and Jaminet found themselves missing their old friends and searching for new ones. They also realized that they needed to continually work to develop deep, meaningful relationships that would allow them to be themselves, to care for others and be cared for, and to deepen their Catholic faith. In The Friendship Project, Faehnle and Jaminet explore the cardinal and theological virtues with an eye toward friendship. Focusing on faith, hope, love, prudence, gratitude, loyalty, generosity, and prayerfulness, they help us answer questions such as, What does it mean to be women of hope, and how does that change our lives and make us more compassionate friends during difficult times? and How does prayerfulness teach us how to listen to and talk with both God and our friends, which helps us reach out to those we love? Faehnle and Jaminet answer these questions and more by employing Church teaching and telling us stories of their own friendships and those from the lives of saints and biblical womenincluding the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Elizabeth, St. Thrse of Lisieux and her sister Servant of God Lonie, and Sts. Perpetua and Felicity. Not only will you be drawn closer to friends both new and old but youll also be reminded how these friendshipsand the virtues you practice to nurture themdraw you closer to God. Prayers, discussion questions, and a study guide make this a perfect resource for womens groups


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