Read Write! Breaking Down a Text and Building Up an Essay

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New Edition Now Available! In order to improve your reading skills, you must write more, and in order to improve your writing skills, you must read more. Read Write! Breaking down a Text and Building up an Essay truly integrates reading and writing. Students gain an understanding of the reading and writing connection, which strengthens both their reading and writing skills. Throughout this student-centered textbook, students learn about strategies and utilize tools to help them engage in synthesis based learning. Using the PAUSE reading comprehension system, students learn to preread, annotate, understand, summarize, and evaluate a variety of texts. As students become better readers, they also simultaneously learn about the different rhetorical modes and how to incorporate grammar and mechanical skills into their own writing. Read Write! Tips are provided to help your students better grasp a concept or to help improve their study skills. The text also includes strategies, activities, key terms, and more in an easy-to-identify color format to reinforce concepts and to assess comprehension. The Read Write! website is available to serve as a technology component and to offer students 24 hour access to skill and drill practice.


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